Friday, April 01, 2016

Another Bubble Tea

I have newly acquired a taste for Bubble Tea, and have therefore made Fat Straw on Hawthorne a next hangout.  They know their process.  I'll need to explore more permutations.

The USPO miss-delivered and envelope so I walked it down to the corner market in question, procuring some drinking supplies, which I made use of on Patrick's porch.

He's deep into species recognition issues and realizes human eyeballs on the problem, experts identifying known specimens, will help with machine learning.

His projects could staff an entire company.  He tends to work on that scale.

Out of pocket for health insurance in April:  $1,313.77 for myself and one dependent.  I had to state my case vociferously that March was covered as well.  No that's not an April Fools Day joke.

This posting was though -- a lot less feather-ruffling than last year's post, about an upcoming Pycon in Cuba, which ironically turned out to be true enough.

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